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Anatomy of an Illinois Personal Injury Case

Personal Injury law

You are serious about road safety. Whenever you drive, you do everything possible to keep yourself, your passengers, and other drivers from harm. Unfortunately, this attitude is not shared among all drivers.

There are motorists who do not understand the dangers that come with distracted driving, fatigued driving, or driving under the influence of alcohol. Others pay little heed to traffic laws and road signs and insist on speeding when road conditions are at their worst.

If you have been injured in an accident caused by the recklessness of another driver, then you have the right to build up a case and sue. You may be able to sue the person and their insurance company—especially if the latter offers you a less than adequate compensation package.

Before you file a claim, you should engage the services of a personal injury attorney. It is the policy of insurance companies to avoid payouts whenever possible and to minimize the amount they pay when necessary. The insurance company of the person who hit you will put up a fight, and you must be prepared with a legal strategy that is sound and effective.

The Consequences of an Accident

Being in an accident can upset and even destroy your life. You may need to spend weeks or months in the hospital. You may also have to go through an extensive period of rehabilitation. This all costs money. You will be forced to forgo your income while in the hospital. And even when you are healthy enough to back to your job, you may have to reduce the number of hours you work; you may also be forced to take a lower-paying position.

The insurance company of the person who hit you is responsible for helping to alleviate the financial worries that result from the accident. If they have offered you a puny settlement, you should refuse it, go to a lawyer, and begin a personal injury claim.

How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help

During your first consultation, your lawyer will ask you to recall the events that led up to the accident and all that happened after it. Based on this information, they will decide whether your case has merit. If you both agree to proceed, your lawyer will use what you have told them as the basis for the legal strategy.

Here are some of the concrete steps they will take to get you the right amount of money:

Gather the Facts

Your lawyer will get access to the police report on your accident. They will also employ their own professional investigators to re-examine the scene and re-interview witnesses. The driving record, sobriety, and physical state of the driver who hit you will also be re-assessed in an attempt to establish that they were at fault for the accident.

Employ Forensics

Your lawyer will also engage the services of accident reconstruction experts who will develop a simulation of how the accident unfolded based on the evidence at the scene. They will also get medical experts to testify that your injuries could have only been sustained by the car accident.

What the Law Says

To win, your lawyer will have to establish that the accident owed to the recklessness of the other driver, that you were injured as a consequence of it, and that their insurance company is obligated to pay you a particular dollar amount in compensation. Your personal injury lawyer will be able to make this case.

If you have been injured in an accident and the insurance company of the other driver is refusing to pay, you need representation. Call us today and make the first step toward getting justice.

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